miércoles, 7 de enero de 2015

#Je suis Charlie Hebdo

Dear reader,
I am very sorry to write to you in this post about something that isn't fashion and will certainly make you feel unpleasant and sad, I was planning on writing about Hermes, but, as an aspiring journalist, and a person that carries France in his heart,  I feel the moral duty to express my disgust to the event that happened in Paris, a terrorist attack that planned to produce fear and to shut our mouths up.

Charlie Hebdo, a local newspaper where revered cartoonists post their humorist and often satirical art and articles; which had been already attacked before cause of their controversial cartoons about Islam and the jihad; was ambushed on Wednesday the 7th by terrorists who carried AK47's; they killed 12 people (among which were the editor of the newspaper) and managed to fight the police and to scape in a car. the police has since released the name of 3 suspects, and François Hollande (the president of the french republic) has made a declaration, from which a phase stood out "freedom is always bigger than barbarism".

This barbaric people who waged automatic weapons upon unarmed men and women from the newspaper charlie Hebdo, where some of the most revered caricaturists in France work, should upon all understand that their plan has not been successful, that the death of the 12 people will not go down  unnoticed, It won't cause people to fear freedom of speech, but rather will make us stronger, and will make us jealously and angrily protect our human rights.

Yet I would like you to remember that these people should not fool us, they are trying to make us believe they are fighting for good and religion, they are fighting against disrespectf, but I say it is a lie, they do not represent good, nor God, nor the islamic people, and should be remembered as terrorist, criminals, not as "muslim terrorist"  or "muslim criminals" because there are thousands of righteous muslims out there that are as disgusted as you and me, and that are sad because of the disrespect towards human rights and the murders of today's event. I say that this day should not be a day for us to become xenophobic, but rather to stand together as humans against evil.

today and forever i'll be freedom of speech, i'll be human rights, je serai Charlie Hebdo.

"All who draw the sword will die by the sword."

"blessed are the peacemakers for they are the children of god"
-jesus christ
today i am a cartoonist, today i am a journalist, today i draw for Charlie Hebdo

-take out your pencils 
-hmmm, isn't that dangerous sir? 

i am charlie 
in case you want to know a little more about this tragedy:

2 comentarios:

  1. This is truly devastating. A disgusting attempt to destroy freedom.

    ♥ | http://www.connect-the-cloths.com
    http://www.carseyyycakes.tumblr.com | xoxo

    1. I agree, it is really sad that these kinds of events still happen during the 21 century, and even more sad in a country like France, home to human rights, freedom of speech, and the freedom of religion...
